les this eveng, then you≈39;ll be jog tea practice three
tis a week&ot;
he opened the crate side were four different-sized balls
&ot;right,&ot; said wood &ot;now, idditch is easy enough to understand,
even if it≈39;s not too easy to py there are seven pyers on each
side three of the are called chasers&ot;
&ot;three chasers,&ot; harry repeated, as wood took out a bright red
ball about the size of a er ball
&ot;this ball≈39;s called the affle,&ot; said wood &ot;the chasers
throw the affle to each other and try and t it through one of
the hoops to sre a goal ten pots every ti the affle goes
through one of the hoops follow ?&ot;
&ot;the chasers throw the affle and put it through the hoops
to sre,&ot; harry recited &ot; -- that≈39;s rt of like basketball on
broosticks with six hoops, isn≈39;t it?&ot;
&ot;what≈39;s basketball?&ot; said wood curioly &ot;never d,&ot; said
harry ickly
&ot;now, there≈39;s another pyer on each side who≈39;s called the
keeper -i≈39; keeper for gryffdor i have to fly around our hoops
and s the other tea fro srg&ot;
&ot;three chasers, one keeper,&ot; said harry, who was detered
to reber it all &ot;and they py w