花呗小说 > 玄幻小说 > 哈利波特与魔法石 > 分节阅读_34

lves if i t

one ore owl tellg you≈39;ve -- you≈39;ve blown up a toilet or --&ot;

&ot;blown up a toilet? we≈39;ve never blown up a toilet&ot;

&ot;great idea though, thanks, o&ot;

&ot;it≈39;s not funny and look after ron&ot;

&ot;don≈39;t worry, ickle ronnieks is safe with &ot;

&ot;shut up,&ot; said ron aga he was alost as tall as the s

already and his nose was still pk where his other had rubbed it

&ot;hey, o, guess what? guess who we jt t on the tra?&ot;

harry leaned back ickly they uldn≈39;t see hi lookg

&ot;you know that bck-haired boy who was near the

station? know who he is?&ot;


&ot;harry potter!&ot;

harry heard the little girl≈39;s voice

&ot;oh, o, can i go on the tra and see hi, o, eh please&ot;

&ot;you≈39;ve already seen hi, gny, and the poor boy isn≈39;t thg

you le at a zoo is he really, fred? how do you know?&ot;