花呗小说 > 玄幻小说 > 哈利波特与魔法石 > 分节阅读_19

harry had gone very white as on as he found his voice he said,

&ot;blown up? you told they died a car crash!&ot;

&ot;car crash!&ot; roared hagrid, jupg up angrily that the

dursleys scuttled back to their rner &ot;how uld a car crash kill

lily an≈39; jas potter? it≈39;s an outra! a scandal! harry potter

not kno≈39; his own story when every kid our world knows his

na!&ot; &ot;but why? what happened?&ot; harry asked urntly

the anr faded fro hagrid≈39;s face he looked suddenly anxio

&ot;i never expected this,&ot; he said, a low, worried voice &ot;i

had no idea, when dubledore told there ight be trouble tt≈39;

hold of yeh, how uch yeh didn≈39;t know ah, harry, i don≈39; know

if i≈39; the right pern ter tell yeh -- but one 3 s gotta --

yeh can≈39;t go off ter hogwarts not kno≈39;&ot;

he threw a dirty look at the dursleys

&ot;well, it≈39;s best yeh know as uch as i can tell yeh -- d,

i can≈39;t tell yeh everyth≈39;, it≈39;s a great yst≈39;ry, parts of it&ot;

he sat down, stared to the fire for a few sends, and then

said, &ot;it begs, i suppose, with -- with a pern called -- but it≈39;s

credible yeh don≈39;t know his na, everyone our